
One of the oldest Jewish ritual objects, due to its biblical origin, is the mezuzah. Mezuzot (plural for mezuzah) have taken many forms over the centuries, often reflecting the architecture and artistic styles of the time. The Biblical origin of the mezuzah comes from Deuteronomy 6:9 and 11:20: “And you shall inscribe these words on the doorposts of your home and on your gates.” Rolled up inside the mezuzah case is a parchment with verses from the Torah inscribed upon it. The verses encased in the mezuzah instruct the dweller of the home to “love your God, believe only in the one Eternal God, keep the commandments, and pass all of this on to your children” (Deuteronomy 6:4-9, 11:13-21).


Hanukah Menorahs (hanukiah)

